Protect your investment, save money, and prevent downtime with fuel polishing from Peterson Power Systems, Inc.!

If you own or maintain a diesel-powered generator with a 500+ gallon capacity, then you’re aware of the dangers of contamination: water and other impurities in your fuel gradually degrade it, leading to clogs, shutdowns, and lost productivity. In the past, contaminated fuel had to be replaced, at considerable cost and inconvenience. Today, fuel polishing from Peterson Power Systems is an inexpensive process that reconditions contaminated fuel back to ASTM standards using filters and conditioner.


  • Reconditioning fuel is less expensive than having it delivered
  • We come to your site and work at a time that’s convenient to you
  • It’s minimally invasive—there’s no need to cut or alter your tank
  • Fuel polishing is green: we discard only the impurities we remove, instead of hundreds of gallons of contaminated diesel