Compressed Air Solutions We Provide

Trust the rental experts at Peterson with your compressed air needs. From concrete jobs to industrial work, we have an expansive fleet ready to work in any application. With our 24/7 availability, we've got you covered.

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Solutions we provide:

  • Construction site compressed air.
  • Temporary compressed air during planned equipment shutdowns for replacement, repair, or maintenance of air-powered systems, instruments, and tools.
  • New construction awaiting delivery of permanent compressed air systems.
  • General purpose, instrument, or oil-free compressed air systems for:
    • Sandblasting & painting
    • Pneumatic hand tools for construction and demolition
    • Vacuum/dust collection systems
    • Pipeline "pigging" and cleaning
    • "Bubble curtain" for underwater construction
    • Fiber optic cable installation
    • Material transfer systems
    • Wine presses
    • Bottling & canning processes
    • Liquid agitation
    • Packaging, and other food&beverage processes
    • Instruments, tools, and equipment
    • Equipment, instruments & tools
    • Waste pond agitation
    • Oxidation
    • Catalyst regeneration
    • Variable speed drive
    • High-pressure air
    • Aeration blending
    • Sewage treatment, soot blowing, sulfur recovery
  • Seasonal compressed air during harvesting to power various processes, equipment, and tools.
  • Supplemental air and/or peak shaving.

Some of the Industries we serve:

  • Food Processors&Packagers, Beverage Processors & Bottlers, Wineries, Breweries, Fruit & Vegetable Growers, Feedlot & Poultry Operations.
  • International, Regional, and Local Contractors (General/Heavy Construction, Building Trades, Sandblasting & Painting, Pipeline/Communication/Power Lines), Engineering Firms, Concrete/Asphalt Producers, Road Builders, Landscapers.
  • Refineries, Drilling Contractors, Gas&Oil Exploration and Production, Plastics/Petrochemical.

What we offer:

  • 100% Oil Free Electric Drive Air Compressors
  • 100% Oil Free Diesel Drive Air Compressors
  • Oil Flooded Air Diesel Drive
  • Instrument Quality Air Diesel Drive
  • High Pressure Compressors
  • Oil Flood Aftercooled Variable Speed Electric Drive
  • Complete Line of Parts & Accessories

Desiccant Air Dryers

Model Dewpoint CFM
400 CDA PM -100 100 to 400
400 CDA PM -40 400 to 800
900 CDA PM -100 500 to 900
900 CDA PM -40 900 to 1600
AHLD R SERIES 1000 -40 n/a
AHLD R SERIES 1800 -40 n/a


High Pressure Diesel Drive - Aftercooled and filtered air

Model CFM PSI Range Specifications
XRVS 1000 FF iT4 1000 365  
XAVS 400 FF iT4 400 200 Download


100% Oil Free Diesel Drive Air Compressors- Aftercooled to 20 degrees F above ambient

Model CFM PSI Range Specifications
XAVS 400 FF iT4 400 200 Download
XATS 750 PFF iT4 750 150 Download
XATS 1050 FF iT4 900/1050 150/100 Download
XAS 1800 PFF iT4 1600/1800 150/100 Download

Hose Size

Diameter Length
3/4" 25'
3/4" 50'
1" 25'
1" 50'
2" 25'
2" 50'
3" 25'
3" 50'


Instrument Quality Electric Compressors

Model CFM PSI Specifications
LSR-16 40HP 149/175 100/125 Download
LSR-16 50HP 230/150 100/175 Download
LSR-16 60HP 280/188 100/175 Download
LSR-16 75HP 351/255 100/175 Download
TSR-20 100HP 555/380 100/175 Download
TSR-20 125HP 685/495 100/175 Download
TSR-20 150HP 815/610 100/175 Download
TSR-20 200HP 970/775 100/175 Download


Oil Free Electric Compressors

Model CFM PSI Specifications
Kobelco 200 HP 785 125 Download


Receiver Tanks

Size Max Pres. Min/Max Cap
240 Gallon 165 0 to 240
440 Gallon 165 240 to 440
1300 Gallon 165

440 to 1300